Tuesday, 6 May 2008

New Discount Museum Ticket for Siena

Anyone who enjoyed the Renaissance Siena: Art for a City exhibition at London's National Gallery last winter should make straight for Siena's tourist office in the Campo (see p. 80).

For €13.50, the new "Percorsi del Rinascimento Senese" ticket gets you into the heart of all that art. It covers the Museo Civico (p. 83), Pinacoteca Nazionale, the former hospital of Santa Maria della Scala (p. 84), the Duomo and Pinturicchio's frescoed Libreria Piccolomini (p. 83), and the Archivio di Stato with its Museo delle Tavolette di Biccherna. Tickets represent a substantial saving on full-price individual admissions, and are valid through to the end of 2008.

More here.

Various other discount tickets for Siena are listed in the book, p. 85.

If you missed the London exhibition, the excellent catalogue is on sale here for £34.95. There's also a DVD (£15) about the city and its artistic heritage.

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