Friday, 16 January 2009

Trip-planning feedback for Tuscany and Umbria

It's always pleasing to hear that our book is filling the trip-planning holes we intended. Of course, it was very nice to be judged the Best Guidebook of 2008 by travel industry insiders. And it's equally nice to be written about by a real family planning an actual trip to Tuscany this summer:

They [the With Your Family series] have ... all of the family friendly travel information you require. They give star ratings for attractions plus recommended ages (and I’m impressed by the fact that they have suggestions right from babies through to teenagers). There are highlights and must-see attractions. There are accommodation options for families from ultra-expensive through to economical (for which they provide price guidelines not just $$$ or $). I love the special icons they have - find, moment, value, overrated and green. Plus they include reviews of playgrounds and parks which are very important to families!

That's all true. There are some great books in the series. I've found Rhonda Carrier's companion guides to Brittany and Normandy especially handy. For Frommer's Tuscany and Umbria With Your Family, we considered every single one of those factors when researching and writing the book. Much of my (grown-up) research was then road-tested by unforgiving under-5s. It's gratifying that family travellers are finding it a useful tool in planning a trip to Tuscany and Umbria. I'm always pleased to hear from readers. Your feedback can help make any future new edition, of this and my other books, even better. Thanks.

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