Monday, 19 January 2009

Vasari's Corridor reopens

From Wednesday 21st January through April, it will once again be possible to visit the Corridoio Vasariano. The "Vasarian Corridor" was designed by Renaissance man Giorgio Vasari for Cosimo I de' Medici: Cosimo didn't much like mixing with everyday folk when he was perusing his palazzi; Vasari built him a secret passageway so he didn't have to. The Corridoio now hosts one of the world's finest collections of artists' self-portraits.

The Corridoio, which runs from the Palazzo Vecchio through the Uffizi to the Pitti Palace in Oltrarno, including a clandestine crossing above the Ponte Vecchio, will be open twice daily for guided visits from Tuesday to Friday. Call 055/2654321 to book. Tickets are €10.50.

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